Bleeding During Early Pregnancy
I want to thank Dr Li for her professional skills, experience, and care throughout my pregnancy.
Two years ago I met Dr Li one month after I had a miscarriage. I went to her clinic once a week for acupuncture treatment to help my womb and body recovery. She also subscribed some Chinese herbal medicine to improve my condition. With both the acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine treatment, I recovered very well.
Last year, I got pregnant again. On the 5th week of my pregnancy, I had blood coming out. I burst into tears. I was afraid that I was going to have another miscarriage. I rang up my midwife and she told me I might have another miscarriage and recommended me to go to the hospital. I asked whether lying on bed could help preventing the bleeding. She said it wouldn’t as the bleeding could’t be stopped. I felt despairing.
I told Dr Li the whole thing over the phone. She worried about me so much that she drove to my house at 11pm to see me. She felt my pulse and told me the pulse manifestation indicated threatened miscarriage, but she wanted to try her best to save the baby though the winning rate could be only 30%. Then she applied acupuncture on me, and subscribed some Chinese herbal medicine. She also reassured me the Chinese herbal medicine could help my womb conditions, and won’t harm me and my baby. She recommended me to lie on bed (apart from going to the toilet) every day until the fourth month. She emphasised that lying on bed can help prevent further bleeding. Following her advice, after a few days my blood became less and less.
Over next three months, Dr Li came to visit me every Sunday to do acupuncture treatment. On the fourth month of my pregnancy she told me the wining rate increased to 70%. My midwife was also surprised when she knew my blood was stopped and saw my gradually growing belly.
This January I successfully delivered my son. He is healthy and lively. Dr Li was also very happy when she held the baby in her arms.
I couldn’t thank more for Dr Li’s professional treatment, caring home visit, and very useful advice. Without her, our baby wouldn’t survive.
Acupuncture Treatment for Not Ovulating
Dear Dr. Li,
It has been about two years since I last saw you and I never got a chance to let you know how much you helped me after receiving acupuncture treatment from you. I visisted you in January 2007 and complained about my menstrual cycles being abnormal. I would menstruate about every 28 days but between days 21 and 28, I would spot with a small amount of bleeding until day 1. day 28 with a normal menstrual flow. You diagnosed me as ‘not ovulating’ and proceeded to treat me with bupishen and yin essence as well as a course of about four acupunture treatments. After this I was cured!! We conceived a baby in April and things were great!! Thank you!!
I am convinced that I never would have had our daughter had I not seen you and received your treatment. I delivered an 8 1/2 pound baby in January. After nursing ended I got my period and it was normal for about 8 months. Since then I have suffered the same symptoms. I am frustrated as I have seen numerous acupunturists but none of them seemed to have the knowledge that you had regarding women and their monthly cycles. I have moved to London and would love to come to see you to receive more treatment. Thank you again for your help.
Acupuncture support for IVF
I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for your excellent acupuncture treatment during my third IVF cycle and beyond.
At age 41, following years of trying to conceive, I am confident that I am six weeks pregnant as a direct result of your intervention during my IVF cycle. The IVF cycle. The IVF Clinic commented that my progress throughout the treatment cycle was excellent, and I put this down to the fact that your acupuncture treatment increased the blood flow to my womb and aided my general wellbeing.
Throughout the treatment, you supported and encouraged me, and made the whole experience less stressful.
Your calm professionalism and caring nature has reassured me throughout, and I would have no hesitation in recommending you.
Thank you again for your assistance and support, which has been instrumental to my success at IVF.
—- Anna
Testimonial – Acupuncture IVF Letter
Acupuncture Helps Conceiving for Infertility People
After countless fertility treatments, failed IVF procedures, and tearful Dr. consultations, I was about to give up on conceiving. I turned to you as a last resort, after my Dr. recommended using an egg donor, which is a path I did not want to take. I was very skeptical at first at the thought of taking herbs and doing acupuncture to help my fertility. How can something so simple help me to conceive? But after Dr. Li’s treatments, I was pregnant! I was so surprised, and so thrilled. We truly believe that it was your treatments that brought me to a successful pregnancy. Thank you God for allowing me to find out about this treatment.
—- Carol
Chinese Herbal Medicine Boosts Fertility
I had trouble getting pregnant over two years. Medical doctors said it was unexplained infertility and there was nothing wrong with either me or my husband. I did not want to get any IVF. So I came to Dr. Li for Chinese herbs. After Chinese herbal treatments, I got pregnant. I was surprised and excited. I’ll highly recommend Dr. Li.
—- Molly
Acupuncture Helps Conceiving and Boots Fertility
Little is written or known about Acupuncture in connection with Fertility in the UK. No one I have talked to ever heard of such a thing. No one in the western medicine field ever recommends Acupuncture to patients with low sperm counts. I could not find any formal studies published in the UK. on the topic. However, from my husband’s and my own experience, it’s an effective, safe, natural, cost efficient and virtually painless, method of treatment for infertility.
I was 32 years old when I married John, who was 37. We were in love and wanted to have children together. We waited one year after the wedding before we terminated the use of contraceptives. Six months passed. In came the boxer shorts. Out went the jacuzzi’s. After one year, no baby.
The testing began and I tested normal. John’s sperm count was 4 million with low motility for approximately one million motile sperm. One doctor told us we had better start thinking of adoption if we wanted children, but we were not to be discouraged. After all, it only takes one healthy sperm to make a baby.
Over the next two years I took my temperature and we planned intercourse around ovulation. John sat on ice to cool his testicles. We tried zucchini flour pollen, vitamin C, standing on my head after lovemaking, and every old-wives tale we came across. We tried Chinese herbal tea. John’s sperm count and motility remained low- about 7 million to 14 million motile sperm. We did intrauterine insemination twice. Our hopes rose and fell as the negative results persisted. I began to notice my temperature was not as stable as it was the first year. At that point, we filled out the necessary papers for adoption.
On a whim, we called an acupuncturist who practices at Harley Street, London, Dr. Li. We thought we might try the Chinese herbal tea again, but Dr. Li recommended that John try acupuncture first, and John complied. After two months of treatment, we had another semen analysis done. The sperm count had skyrocketed to 117 million with a 65% motility! We went for one more intrauterine insemination and again it was unsuccessful. It was then I decided to try acupuncture. Within three weeks of treatment, I conceived.
Our baby is due the first week of March, and we are thrilled beyond belief. We are at least the eightith couple treated by Dr. Li who has become pregnant, and we are convinced that the acupuncture treatments were instrumental in increasing our fertility. We are very grateful to Dr. Li for enabling us to experience this miracle of life. For other couples who are struggling with infertility as well, acupuncture presents another option.